Monday, September 14, 2009

Us dollar store review on season done by chirag singh from

Chirag singh view on Us dollar store from

Promotions give customers a reason to come back to your US Dollar Store more frequently. They add a festive tone to the atmosphere. Properly promoted and merchandised they can lead to significant increases in sales.

The number of options available for promotions is virtually limitless. In fact, the bottom line is that it is easy to hold multiple celebrations every month if you choose. Even more important is the fact that your shoppers will return time and again throughout the month to purchase items during your promotional events. Those extra trips mean extra merchandise sales and extra profits.

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The foremost to start with is the grand opening event for your own dollar store business which you may call MY own Dollar Store 99. Here is the perfect opportunity to announce you are here and open for business. You’ll be pleasantly surprised by the number of visitors a well run grand opening event can generate. Along with a high number of visitors will come great dollar store merchandise sales, and dollar store profits. Invest the time upfront to develop a plan. Then execute the right actions to turn that plan into a profitable event.

Major holiday promotions can mean major dollar store profits. There’s a long list of commonly celebrated holidays. These include all major festivals (like Diwali, ID, Rakhi, Christmas & other regional festivals etc ),New Years, Valentine’s Day, Mothers Day, Fathers Day, and the list goes on. There’s an even longer list of holidays that might be perfect for you and your customers to celebrate.

Celebrate every significant change for your business. It doesn’t matter whether it’s a store expansion, the addition of a new manager, or your annual store birthday be sure it is celebrated. Bring in some new and exciting dollar store merchandise. Then complete advertising and promotion to get shoppers excited.

As the customers walk through the door you’ll realize what a good idea holding the promotion. The positive impact to your business bottom line is sure to please. There is an almost endless list of potential promotions you can celebrate at your dollar store business. In all cases it does take a little planning. You’ll need to order the right dollar store merchandise to match the promotion. Add a little advertising and you are on your way to even more dollar store profits. For more details and franchise enqiury please visit

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